l- r Elisabeth, Natalie, and Anna
Sorry we haven't posted much lately. I was sick and then all the girls got stuffy noses and have been lot more fussy then they used to be. It has been a busy time. I used to enjoy getting on the computer, but now most days I never even turn it on. We are down to the essentials now- sleeping and eating- for the girls and for me!
The girls are doing great- other than their stuffy noses. Anna is up to 7 lbs! She is really getting big and seems more like a regular newborn now. She officially graduated out of preemie clothes and diapers last week when she hit 6 lbs. She is much more alert and active.
Natalie is a little over 6 lbs and also out of her preemie clothes. She is still the easy-going one and the sleepiest.
Elisabeth is almost 6 lbs now, too. She is still the fussiest one. The wonderful thing about all our girls is that they stop crying the minute you hold them (or feed them). They are easily comforted (at least for now). The only problem is it is not always easy to comfort them when there are three of them and one of you!
Alex is enjoying them a lot. He has been so sweet with them.
Here we are hanging out
My sister Laura and her baby Aubrey came over for a visit also. Aubrey was born three weeks after our girls. It was so fun to get to hang out together.
l-r Aubrey, Anna, Natalie, and Elisabeth
Laura holding Natalie
Me holding Aubrey
We also had a visit from Chris' grandfather Papaw and his wife Nancy. Papaw was pretty enamored with his great- grandaughters.
4 generations: Chris, his Papaw, his mom, and his four children
Chris' mom stayed with us for almost 3 weeks and helped us so much!
Thank you so much, Barbara!
Chris' parents- Grandmama and Grandpapa
Alex also just finished is T-ball season. Here are some pics:
He also just finished up his Kindergarten year. I can't believe it! He has made so much progress this year. He began the year barely being able to draw shapes and his letters, and now he can write sentences, read stories, and has began learning addition and subtraction. Kindergarten is not at all like it used to be! We are so proud of him.
Here he is with his class at field day.
Sorry it is such a long post. I think that about sums up what has been going on with us! Hope everyone is doing well and we continue to thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Sure do miss you guys! Love, Grandmama
Hi Kim and Chris,
You have a beautiful family and I have so enjoyed following the girls progress. It's also great to hear that you all are doing well, you have been in my prayers.
The pictures that Cynthia done are so good she was really excited about getting to do them.
Karen Capehart
So great to hear the girls are doing well. Tell you sister congratulations on her baby. Do your parents and sister live near you? So fun that the girls will have a cousin so close in age. Praying for you all.
We had the best time! Aubrey can't wait to snuggle with her cousins again soon.
Needless to say, you guys are very busy! Thanks for sharing the pictures and for the updates. We hope to see everyone soon, James.
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