Monday, November 14, 2011


Finally getting those Halloween pics up!

We had a great time trick or treating in the neighborhood. The girls loved it and couldn't wait to go again!

My little Dora the Explorer characters:
Natalie is Boots the Monkey, Anna is Dora, Elisabeth is Isa the iguana, and Alex is Diego
Alex was so sweet as when he found out who the girls were going to be he wanted to be Diego- even though Diego is kind of young for him. He knew the girls would love it- and they did!

Alex and his friends Zach and James

Alex had a Thanksgiving program at his school. He was so cute- he had so much fun with it. He loves music and loves his music class at school!

The girls had fun watching it, too!

1 comment:

Craig and Laura said...

Alex looks so cute with his dark hair!