I can't believe our little boy is already seven and starting first grade! He is so excited for first grade. I know the summer was hard for him as we were pretty confined at home with the triplets, but he has become a great big brother and such a great help! For his birthday present we took him to Medieval Times in Atlanta. He loved it, and Chris and I were pretty impressed as well. They put on a great show, and it is perfect thing for a boy Alex's age :)
Here is Alex entertaining his sisters
The girls are now 4 months old and we are having a lot of fun with them. They are interacting more- smiling and coo-ing and goo-ing. Here are pictures of Anna and Elisabeth's first smiles.
Here are two really cute pics of Natalie
Here are two pics of the three of them- I couldn't get them all smiling in one picture, but two at once was pretty good.
Anna is on the left, then Elisabeth, then Natalie
I think you can tell, especially in the last picture, why we think Elisabeth and Natalie are the identical ones.
I thought I would write a bit more about the girls since I haven't really done that much-just posted pictures. These are answers to frequently asked questions:)
For those who are wondering exactly how/if we can tell them apart- yes, Chris and I can usually tell them apart pretty well. Anna we can always tell for sure- she has a fuller face, her features are a little different, her eyes and hair are a little lighter. Natalie and Elisabeth are getting harder for us. Natalie, however, has a mole on her belly so we can never get them totally mixed up. To make it easier we have color coded their bottles, burp cloths, and often clothes so that Anna is pink, Natalie purple, and Elisabeth yellow.
We are still feeding them, about 4 oz, every 2 1/2 -3 hours during the day. They are really starting to sleep well at night, though. Anna will go about 8-10 hours a night! Of course, she is the biggest and the better eater, but we think she is doing awesome! Natalie and Elisabeth will average 4-6 hours a time at night. It sounds good that they are going longer, but it can be hard too because instead of waking up once to feed them all I am letting them go as long as they will and waking up with each baby. My mom comes and stays with me every other night while Chris is working to help feed so that is a great help. Chris will get up and help all the other nights. It is just too much to do alone- especially when I am by myself with them all day, too!
They are so fun now as they interact more. Natalie is our happy baby- she just smiles all the time even if she is lying there by herself. She also talks more with us- we think she will be the first to talk! She always was our easygoing baby and still is!
Anna has become our fussier one- she gets overstimulated easily so we have to be sure to get her down for her naps before it is too late! She still makes such funny faces, and while she smiles and talks less it sure is sweet when she does!
Elisabeth still likes to be held the most. She is the one that will cry just so she can be held! We love to indulge her- but she has to remember that she is one of three so it's not always easy.
We have their 4 month check up on Tuesday so I will post how much they are weighing then. They haven't been on the growth chart for their age yet, but I think they might make it this time. They are really growing so well- I think they are around 12 lbs.
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